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date source title
06/14/2011 Rapport sur le financement des PME-PMI et des ETI - Observatoire du financement des entreprises
06/08/2011 AMF AMF publishes its annual report 2010
06/08/2011 BCE Jean-Claude Trichet: The monetary policy of the ECB during the financial crisis
06/07/2011 ETUDE KPMG-DEXIA : Alternative options : hedge fund redomiciliation trends in evolving markets
06/07/2011 BRI BRI Report, June 2011
05/31/2011 UE Press release: European financial Governance: a major step forward
05/30/2011 AMF L'Autorité des marchés financiers publie sa cartographie 2011 des risques et tendances sur les marchés financiers et pour l'épargne
05/26/2011 Clifford Chance Clifford Chance: Bank resolution regimes - Comparative analysis - Mai 2011
05/26/2011 Parlement Européen European Parliament: A greater transparency for OTC Derivatives
05/26/2011 City of London European Study: Understanding the Impact of MiFID in the Context of Global and National Regulatory Innovations - May 2011
05/25/2011 ACP First publication of the ACP Journal
05/25/2011 ISDA ISDA Publishes The Economics of Central Clearing: Theory and Practice,
05/20/2011 OICV-IOSCO IOSCO finalises principles to address dark liquidity
05/20/2011 Banque d'Angleterre Bank of England : Prudential Regulation Authority: the future approach to banking supervision
05/19/2011 EU and EFSF funding plans to provide financial assistance for Portugal and Ireland
05/17/2011 FFSA L'aversion au risque, une nouvelle donne?
05/17/2011 ISDA ISDA announces Interest Rate Derivatives Trade Repository selection
05/17/2011 IIF IIF proposes approaches to Bail-in and Resolution Planning
05/17/2011 Conseil Européen ECOFIN: The Counsil gives a general approach on short selling and CDS
05/16/2011 FSB A background note from the Financial Stability Board - Shadow Banking
05/16/2011 ACP Press release from ACP - 6 may 2011
05/10/2011 Université d'Harvard Harvard 2011 Final Report "Symposium on building the financial system of the 21st century: An agenda for Europe and United States"
05/04/2011 AMF/ACP Press release: publication of the 1st report of common AMF/ACP division on investor protection
05/04/2011 BCE ECB: Annual Report 2010
05/04/2011 AMF Press release: The AMF warns the investors about the risk of non financial products send to the public
04/21/2011 The Journal of Regulation - Newsletter
04/12/2011 FBE EBF Board Communique
04/12/2011 FSB FSB - Background Note on Shadow Banking
04/12/2011 ICB ICB - Vickers Report
03/31/2011 Euractiv Les réformes que Paris va soumettre à Bruxelles