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date source title
Friday 23 September 2011 Paris Europlace PARIS EUROPLACE - Commission FIDUCIE - Fiches techniques
Wednesday 21 September 2011 CE European Commission - European banking committee: Info letter august 2011
Wednesday 21 September 2011 FMI FMI - Global Financial Stability Report : Grappling with Crisis Legacies - September 2011
Wednesday 21 September 2011 FFSA FFSA : Crise financière : quel impact pour les assurés ? - 07/09/2011
Monday 19 September 2011 Fondation Robert Schuman: Letter n°501
Monday 19 September 2011 ESMA ESMA - Consultation : ESMA issues first drafts of binding standards for credit rating agencies
Thursday 15 September 2011 World Exchange : The art of Islamic finance - Aout 2011
Wednesday 14 September 2011 Moody's downgrades Société Générale and Crédit Agricole ratings
Wednesday 14 September 2011 ESMA ESMA published updated list of registered and certified credit rating agencies
Monday 12 September 2011 ACP ACP La Revue de l'Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel septembre-octobre 2011
Monday 12 September 2011 Rapport de la Commission Indépendante sur les banques - Rapport Vickers Version finale
Wednesday 07 September 2011 UE/EURO: la France valide le 2ème plan de sauvetage grec
Friday 02 September 2011 FED Federal Reserve Board announces a formal enforcement action against the Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and Goldman Sachs Bank USA
Friday 02 September 2011 BCE Working paper : The price of liquidity: the effects of market conditions and bank characteristics, by Falko Fecht, Kjell G. Nyborg and Jörg Rocholl
Thursday 01 September 2011 SEC SEC Seeks Public Comment on Use of Derivatives by Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies
Thursday 01 September 2011 FSA FSA obtains High Court injunction to stop market manipulation
Wednesday 31 August 2011 FMI FMI - Working paper : Public Debt in Advanced Economies and its Spillover Effects on Long-term Yields
Monday 29 August 2011 EPEC The EPEC team is delighted to announce that version 2 of the Guide to Guidance is now available
Monday 29 August 2011 Fondation Robert Schuman - La Lettre n°498
Monday 29 August 2011 SIFMA GFMA Comments on Basel Committee's Capital Surcharge Proposal
Friday 26 August 2011 AMF AMF - Le collège de l'AMF prolonge l'interdiction des prises de position courte nette sur une liste de valeurs
Friday 26 August 2011 ESMA ESMA publishes updated list of measures adopted by competent authorities on short selling
Friday 29 July 2011 AGEFI Dans un rapport à Bruxelles, l'AFME, l'Association des courtiers et des banques, relève sept points nécessitant une enquête antitrust approfondie
Tuesday 26 July 2011 La lettre de la Fondation Robert Schuman - 25 juillet 2011
Monday 25 July 2011 CE Amendment of CRD 4
Tuesday 19 July 2011 BDF BDF : Intervention de Christian Noyer : "Pourquoi l'euro ? Passé, présent, avenir" Chambre de commerce et d'industrie japonaise en France 18 juillet 2011
Tuesday 19 July 2011 Fondation Robert Schuman - L'Europe et la crise économique mondiale
Monday 18 July 2011 ISDA ISDA Publishes 2011 Equity Derivatives Definitions
Friday 15 July 2011 CE Press release: La Commission européenne salue le soutien apporté par le Parlement à un droit européen des contrats à valeur facultative
Friday 15 July 2011 En direct de Bruxelles Juin-Juillet 2011: Fondation pour le Droit continental