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date source title
Wednesday 26 October 2011 GFMA GFMA: News on the global financial markets
Wednesday 26 October 2011 Agence Europe PE/ÉCONOMIE: Pour un fonds de sauvetage fort et une recapitalisation des banques
Wednesday 26 October 2011 IOSCO IOSCO - Public Comments Received by the Technical Committee to the Consultation Report - OTC Derivatives Data Reporting and Aggregation Requirements
Wednesday 26 October 2011 Reuters Le Bundestag approuve largement le renforcement du FESF
Wednesday 26 October 2011 FMI FMI - Working paper : Monetary Policy, Bank Leverage, and Financial Stability
Wednesday 26 October 2011 Conseil Européen Déclaration du sommet de la zone euro
Wednesday 26 October 2011 Conseil Européen Main results of Euro Summit
Wednesday 26 October 2011 FSB Consumer Finance Protection with particular focus on credit
Wednesday 26 October 2011 FSB FSB Principles for Sound Residential Mortgage Underwriting Practices
Wednesday 26 October 2011 EBA The EBA details the EU measures to restore confidence in the banking sector
Tuesday 25 October 2011 GFMA News on the global financial markets
Tuesday 25 October 2011 SEC SEC Charges Major Portuguese Bank for Violating Registration Provisions of U.S. Securities Laws - Banco Espirito Santo S.A. to Pay Nearly $7 Million to Settle Charges
Tuesday 25 October 2011 CEPR Resolving the Eurozone crisis: Time for conditional eurobonds
Tuesday 25 October 2011 Les Echos Le départ de Jean-Claude TRICHET
Tuesday 25 October 2011 SIFMA News on the capital markets, securities and financial industry
Tuesday 25 October 2011 AFG En France, la gestion pour compte de tiers génère au total 83 000 emplois
Tuesday 25 October 2011 BRI Basel capital framework's treatment of trade finance
Tuesday 25 October 2011 AMF Les régulateurs européens agissent ensemble face à la crise
Monday 24 October 2011 GFMA News on the Global Financial Markets
Monday 24 October 2011 Les Echos « Hedge funds » : un troisième trimestre en forme d'avertissement
Monday 24 October 2011 Eurogroup - ECOFIN Actualités Eurogroup et ECOFIN à la suite du sommet européen du 23/10
Monday 24 October 2011 SIFMA US: News from Financial Regulation
Monday 24 October 2011 FRS Fondation Robert Schuman - La Lettre n°506
Monday 24 October 2011 AFG OCPI, L'immobilier, une classe d'actif à part entière
Monday 24 October 2011 Les Echos Les « asset managers » à la recherche du modèle de gestion tout-terrain
Friday 21 October 2011 CE MIFID II: Draft and Impact assessment
Friday 21 October 2011 GFMA News on the global Financial Markets
Friday 21 October 2011 ILB Publication ILB Research Review n° 4, September 2011
Friday 21 October 2011 Reuters Fitch ne prévoit pas de déclasser la note de la France
Friday 21 October 2011 CEPS A Three-Pillar Firepower to Solve the European Sovereign Crisis: A last chance!