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date source title
Thursday 02 November 2023 BCE ECB publishes consolidated banking data for end-June 2023
Tuesday 31 October 2023 Commission Européenne How to best communicate sustainable information for financial products?
Monday 30 October 2023 BCE Working Paper Series Pollution havens? Carbon taxes, globalization, and the geography of emissions
Monday 30 October 2023 BCE Working Paper Series Liquidity constraints and demand for maturity the case of mortgages
Monday 30 October 2023 BCE Working Paper Series The effect of monetary policy on inflation heterogeneity along the income distribution
Monday 30 October 2023 BCE Occasional Paper Series The effects of high inflation on public finances in the euro area
Monday 30 October 2023 EBA EBA releases the technical package for phase 3 of its 3.3 reporting framework
Monday 30 October 2023 ESMA ESMA publishes analysis on the evolution of EEA share market structure since the application of MiFID II
Friday 27 October 2023 AMF L'AMF et la CFTC américaine signent un accord pour la supervision des entités présentes sur leurs marchés respectifs
Thursday 26 October 2023 AMF L'AMF publie ses recommandations et les résultats de ses travaux de revue des états financiers à l’approche de l’arrêté des comptes 2023
Thursday 26 October 2023 AMF Produits paneuropéens d'épargne-retraite individuelle : l'AMF se conforme aux orientations de l’EIOPA
Thursday 26 October 2023 AMF Prêts consentis par les FIA : l'AMF modifie sa doctrine concernant les obligations déclaratives
Thursday 26 October 2023 EBA The EBA issues Opinion on a measure to address macroprudential risk following a notification by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority
Wednesday 25 October 2023 EIOPA ESA’s Board of Appeal suspends the decision by ESMA to withdraw the recognition decision of Dubai Commodities Clearing Corporation as Tier 1 third-country central CCP
Wednesday 25 October 2023 EIOPA European Supervisory Authorities publish joint criteria on the independence of supervisory authorities
Wednesday 25 October 2023 EBA European Supervisory Authorities publish joint criteria on the independence of supervisory authorities
Tuesday 24 October 2023 AMF Reportings réglementaires des sociétés de gestion : l'AMF appelle à une plus grande rigueur
Monday 23 October 2023 ACPR Les chiffres du marché français de la banque et de l'assurance 2022
Friday 20 October 2023 BCE ECB finalises report on how banks govern and manage counterparty credit risk
Friday 20 October 2023 BCE Occasional Paper - The future of DAOs in finance - in need of legal status
Friday 20 October 2023 BCE Occasional Paper - Inflation, fiscal policy and inequality
Friday 20 October 2023 EBA The EBA consults on draft Guidelines on internal governance arrangement for issuers of asset-referenced tokens under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation
Friday 20 October 2023 ESMA EBA and ESMA consult on two sets of joint guidelines under MiCA
Thursday 19 October 2023 AMF Terminologie des coûts et frais utilisée dans le cadre des communications aux clients non professionnels
Thursday 19 October 2023 EBA The EBA sets EU-wide examination programme priorities for prudential supervisors for 2024
Thursday 19 October 2023 ESMA ESMA conducts first annual assessment of Data Reporting Service Providers’ relevance for EU financial markets
Thursday 19 October 2023 Banque de France Recommandation du CCSF : Pour une meilleure protection des détenteurs de crypto-actifs
Wednesday 18 October 2023 AMF 2. Mon zoom épargne : un nouvel outil pour permettre aux épargnants de faire le point sur leurs placements
Wednesday 18 October 2023 BCE L’Eurosystème ouvre la prochaine étape du projet d’euro numérique