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date source title
Monday 27 February 2012 GFMA Gfma : News on the global financial markets
Monday 27 February 2012 Euractiv Euractiv: 24h de politique europénne
Wednesday 08 February 2012 GFMA Gfma: News on the global financial markets
Wednesday 08 February 2012 SIFMA Sifma : News on the capital markets, securities and financial industry
Wednesday 08 February 2012 Euractiv Euractiv : 24 heures de politiques européennes
Wednesday 25 January 2012 GFMA Gfma : News on the global financial markets
Wednesday 25 January 2012 SIFMA Sifma : News on the capital markets, securities and financial industry
Wednesday 25 January 2012 Euractiv Euractiv : 24 heures de politiques européennes
Friday 20 January 2012 GFMA Gfma : News on the global financial markets
Friday 20 January 2012 BRI Stress-testing macro stress testing:does it live up to expectations?
Friday 20 January 2012 Agence Europe ÉCONOMIE: France et Allemagneveulent avancer sur la coordination fiscale
Friday 20 January 2012 FSB FSB - Meeting of the Financial Stability Board Regional Consultati​ve Group for the Middle East and North Africa
Friday 20 January 2012 FMI FMI: une dotation accrue aurait un impact systémique pour la Commission
Friday 20 January 2012 ISDA ISDA Announces Membership and Mission of the Industry Clearing Committee
Friday 20 January 2012 BCE BCE - Second progress report to the Advisory Group on T2S harmonisat​ion
Wednesday 18 January 2012 GFMA Gfma : News on the global financial markets
Tuesday 17 January 2012 CE Ventes à découvert (proposition de règlement)
Tuesday 17 January 2012 GFMA Gfma : News on the global financial markets
Tuesday 17 January 2012 CE Discours de M. Barnier : "Restoring confidence in the financial sector acting regionally and globally"
Tuesday 17 January 2012 BRI BRI - Requirements for OTC derivatives data reporting and aggregation: CPSS-IOSCO publishes final report (17.01.2012)
Tuesday 17 January 2012 SIFMA Sifma : News on the capital markets, securities and financial industry
Friday 13 January 2012 SIFMA Sifma : How to Build en Exchange
Wednesday 11 January 2012 GFMA Gfma : News on the global financial markets
Wednesday 11 January 2012 Investment banker Investment banker : Le marché européen du Corporate Finance - 07/01/2012
Wednesday 11 January 2012 ESMA ESMA - Publication of responses to ESMA's consultation on possible delegated acts concerning the Prospectus Directive
Tuesday 10 January 2012 ESMA ESMA updates the list of registered and certified CRA's
Tuesday 10 January 2012 Le Figaro Le - Taxe financière avec l'Europe (Pécresse)
Tuesday 10 January 2012 Agence Europe (Agence Europe) Crise de la dette, Berlin et Paris veulent stimuler la croissance
Tuesday 10 January 2012 Reuters Reuters / Le Monde - Fitch ne devrait pas dégrader la note de la France en 2012 (10/01)
Tuesday 10 January 2012 Le Monde Itw de Jean-Pierre Jouyet + itw de Laurence Parisot