Article XDate | Type | Description |
30/11/2011 |
Article | Nowadays it is common knowledge to consider that the value of a company’s staff is a key factor of its performance. Even if there is no straightforward indicator of this value,… |
30/11/2011 |
Article | This article analyses the history of the relationship between manufacturing industries and financial markets in 19th century France. It shows that most industries didn’t want to… |
30/11/2011 |
Article | This contribution investigates the role played by credit during business cycles as well as financial and economic crises. More specifically, we will focus on credit demand… |
30/11/2011 |
Article | MIFID has led to the proliferation of orders execution systems in Europe. Three years after launching, results are subject to discussion and pave the way towards a substantial… |
30/11/2011 |
Article | Offshoring goes on growing, in spite of some ebbing away. It has been especially the case for the financial services industry over the last couple of years. As a result of this… |
23/09/2011 |
Article | The 2007-08 global financial crisis highlights that the preservation of financial stability requires going beyond the micro-prudential regulation by promoting a macro-prudential… |
23/09/2011 |
Article | The appearance of sovereign funds in the French economy – though still small – must be considered as a positive fact. The main concern should be the risk of a lack of their… |
31/05/2011 |
Article | The surge of the Chinese bond market is recent. The Chinese State only started to issue debts in 1979. Limited volume of bonds were issued till 1987 and sold by administrative… |
31/05/2011 |
Article | Today’s China and its economic governance are facing a lot of questions. Understanding Chinese’s banking system, its structure and its regulatory framework give us the chance to… |
31/05/2011 |
Article | In China, private equity began to rise in 2004-2005. Despite the crisis, the industry reached new highs in 2010. Nevertheless, the two last years have seen important fundraisings… |
31/05/2011 |
Article | China’s banking system has performed extremely well during the last few years both compared with its peers in the West but also with its own situation only a few years ago. The… |
31/05/2011 |
Article | The rise of Chinese banks in the ranking of world banks raises expectations and questions, but what does actually reflect the presence of these big banks among the international… |
18/03/2011 |
Article | This article identifies and analyzes the various benefits and drawbacks that the adoption of a central counterparty [CCP] for OTC markets can induce, notably in terms of… |
18/03/2011 |
Article | The financial crisis has revealed the necessary reform of the Basel II framework without challenging any of its core principles. More than ever, banks need to improve how they… |
18/03/2011 |
Article | The need to complement the microprudential supervision with a more structured macroprudential oversight aiming at controlling systemic risk is a lesson drawn from the crisis. At… |
18/03/2011 |
Article | The spectacular failure of the 150-year old investment bank Lehman Brothers has been perceived by many as a major turning point in the global financial crisis that broke out in… |
18/03/2011 |
Article | Following the financial crisis, most reforms have been mainly focused on the prudential dimensions. The author highlights that the scope of the rules and of the supervision… |
18/03/2011 |
Article | Credit rating agencies (CRAs) are under scrutiny for failing to both anticipate financial crises since the late 1990s and manage their conflicts of interests when assigning… |
18/03/2011 |
Article | Financial markets play a central role in the financing of banks. Indeed, the evolution in the structure of savings increased the dependency of the banking system upon resources… |
18/03/2011 |
Article | Both the EU and the USA have set up Systemic Risk Councils in order to prevent and avoid major troubles and the potential collapse of the financial system. Macroprudential… |