Article XDate | Type | Description |
20/03/2013 |
Article | The collateral constraint of a bank is usually viewed as a “physical” limit to what it can pledge in order to fund its activity, either through the Central bank or private agents.… |
20/03/2013 |
Article | The rise of the shadow banking system (SBS), providing liquidity and credit as a classic bank, raises theoretical questions regarding the rationale behind its apparition. Is it a… |
20/03/2013 |
Article | Faced with the challenges raised by shadow banking for financial stability, this article deals with two major issues. On the one hand, it presents the risks created by the shadow… |
20/03/2013 |
Article | The financing of the economy has undergone dramatic changes over the last two decades. In fact, a growing source of credit to the private sector has been generated outside the… |
20/03/2013 |
Article | Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) are designed to track a benchmark. ETF facilitate asset management and contribute to reduce management fees and transaction costs, they are traded like… |
20/03/2013 |
Article | For the last past years following the financial crisis, the EU has displayed a huge legislative activity to regulate the banking sector but had left aside the shadow banking… |
21/12/2012 |
Article | Private equity funds provide firms with long term funding that enables them to achieve growth. Investors in such funds are subject to illiquidity constraints as the length of… |
21/12/2012 |
Article | The strategic asset allocation is a key pillar for the long-term investors who face the necessity to reconcile the long-term risk-return objectives and the need for short-term… |
21/12/2012 |
Article | The growth potential of Europe lacks long term investment fitted to the transition towards a more sustainable model of development and to an exit to the crisis. In the context of… |
21/12/2012 |
Article | Venture capital is a long run investment that aims at fostering radical innovations and at increasing the innovative capacity of firms. The United States are by far the country… |
28/09/2012 |
Article | The 2008 financial crisis has highlighted the dangers of certain financial innovations that took place in the context of generalized deregulation. In India, as in other emerging… |
28/09/2012 |
Article | Indian microfinance has undergone extraordinary development in the post-2000 period before becoming a victim of the severe crisis that began in 2010. The reasons for the emergence… |
28/09/2012 |
Article | Although the Indian financial sector has undergone fundamental changes since the 1990s, it continues to be influenced by the pre-existing institutional framework and is… |
28/09/2012 |
Article | This article shows that the polymorphic nature of liquidity and consequently liquidity risk by analyzing three types of liquidity and their associated risks, namely the Central… |
28/09/2012 |
Article | From a post-financial crisis perspective, Indian banks are rethinking their strategic models and their competitiveness. Four essential components have to be integrated in their… |
22/06/2012 |
Article | In this paper we review the literature on credit allocation and value creation of banks. We focus on relationship banking that occurs when a bank and a borrower engage into… |
22/06/2012 |
Article | Measuring bank’s added-value is challenging. In its first part, this paper presents a definition and a method to compute added-value in the banking sector. This method highlights… |
22/06/2012 |
Article | Which is the optimal number of bank relationship for a company? Taking just into account transaction costs the answer should be one. However, data suggest that this number changes… |
22/06/2012 |
Article | Even though insurance is of primordial importance in domestic economies and internationally and its role in the development process is at the agenda of international organizations… |
22/06/2012 |
Article | This paper focuses on the proliferation of financial innovations as a decisive force affecting the stability of the financial services industry. A fundamental feature of more… |