Article XDate | Type | Description |
30/09/2013 |
Article | More than three years since the outbreak of the sovereign debt crisis in the euro area, the banking systems of several countries remain exposed to the vagaries of government bond… |
30/09/2013 |
Article | Since 2008 the Italian economy has been battered by the most severe and prolonged period of crisis since Second World War. The country, given the high public debt, had no choice… |
30/09/2013 |
Article | SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) is a political but also industrial ambition of the European Publics Authorities, relayed by banks, which contributes by various aspects to the… |
30/09/2013 |
Article | This paper investigates the characteristics of Islamic banks by comparing them with those of conventional banks. Islamic banks’ depositors are supporting higher risks. This will… |
30/09/2013 |
Article | The changing landscape for European banks influences the future of sovereign borrowing and vice versa. The fates of banks and sovereigns are intertwined, including by toxic… |
30/09/2013 |
Article | The harsh shock that the Spanish banking system has undergone recently can not be understood without a brief look at the historical background and the factors that have modelled… |
30/09/2013 |
Article | The crisis in the fall of 2008 represented a radical change in the banking M&A market, not only in terms of transactions volume but also in types of transactions and players… |
30/09/2013 |
Article | The UK banks continued to be affected by both a weak internal business environment in 2012 and the risk of new housing market corrections. Badly shaken by the financial crisis,… |
30/09/2013 |
Article | Historically, savings banks and cooperative banks have played an important role in the financial systems of almost all European countries. However, the wave of financial… |
30/09/2013 |
Article | From 1998 to 2012, the French housing market is experiencing an upward cycle of exceptional magnitude and duration. After providing some empirical evidence and international… |
14/06/2013 |
Article | European bank CEOs are beginning to focus more closely on merger and acquisition opportunities. Deleveraging, regulatory pressure for reform and the need for banks to operate more… |
14/06/2013 |
Article | High Frequency Trading (HFT) refers to investment strategies where algorithms simultaneously handle data extraction and analysis and portfolio updating at an ever-increasing pace,… |
14/06/2013 |
Article | First we investigate the main features of mergers and acquisitions in the European financial services industry since the 2007 financial crisis and highlight the induced lessons… |
14/06/2013 |
Article | The paper studies the role of the financial system in the greatest real estate crisis experienced by the French economy until the recent crises of the 1990s and 2007-2013. It… |
14/06/2013 |
Article | During the last twenty-five years and as being observed worldwide, the European banking industry has undergone major changes mainly fuelled by a great wave mergers and… |
14/06/2013 |
Article | The present crisis of the Spanish financial system is mainly to be found in a real estate crisis, appeared in 2007 with the outburst of a speculative bubble grounded in hazardous… |
20/03/2013 |
Article | The rise of the shadow banking system (SBS), providing liquidity and credit as a classic bank, raises theoretical questions regarding the rationale behind its apparition. Is it a… |
20/03/2013 |
Article | Faced with the challenges raised by shadow banking for financial stability, this article deals with two major issues. On the one hand, it presents the risks created by the shadow… |
20/03/2013 |
Article | The financing of the economy has undergone dramatic changes over the last two decades. In fact, a growing source of credit to the private sector has been generated outside the… |
20/03/2013 |
Article | Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) are designed to track a benchmark. ETF facilitate asset management and contribute to reduce management fees and transaction costs, they are traded like… |