Article XDate | Type | Description |
30/09/2014 |
Article | This paper analyzes the main changes in the housing financing in France during the period 2003-2013. Relying mostly on the data made available at the Banque de France, it recalls… |
30/09/2014 |
Article | At the onset of the financial crisis in 2007, “fair value” accounting came under fire for its pro-cyclical effects. Seven years on, fair value remains the sole method of… |
30/09/2014 |
Article | Recently, real estate and notably housing markets have been found as the preferred area for testing the potentials of macroprudential policies. After an analysis of international… |
30/09/2014 |
Article | Advanced countries now benefit from a macroprudential institutional framework. This article presents available monitoring tools for the analysis of the housing market as well as… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | Many questions have found no answer yet regarding SMEs financing. Actually SMEs present specific features giving rise to real constraints and leading to a financial gap. These… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | SMEs of critical size (between 10 and 150 employees) are key to the French growth dynamic. They represent more than one third of total value added and employment. It turns out… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | Alternext was set up in 2005 and was intended to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) finance their development. Using a sample of SMEs that went public on Alternext during… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | As soon as the first version of the Basel III’s agreements was published in December 2010, the French Banking Federation brought to the attention of the authorities the multiple… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | How can we understand what is going on in the way SMEs are financed in Europe and more precisely in France? Polls tell us that everything works smoothly, but those polls are made… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | Within the context of the financial crisis followed by the European sovereign debt crisis, outstanding loans to non-financial companies in the euro area have been on a downward… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | The Alternative Investment Market (AIM), a stock market dedicated to small and medium capitalizations, has been created in 1995 by the London Stock Exchange (LSE). The AIM is… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | Governments and banks have been arguing for years on SMEs financing. SMEs in Europe are at the heart of the economy and are mainly financed by banks. The numerous regulatory… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | As France and most European economies experience an indecisive recover early in 2014, questions arise about what will pull tomorrow’s growth. More than ever, competitiveness,… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | The 2008 financial crisis and hardened regulatory requirements have resulted in a more restrictive credit offering to small and middle-size enterprises (SMEs). To finance their… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | As a stock exchange dedicated to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the success of the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) has established this segment of the London Stock… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | As the liquidity crisis reached its fever pitch in 2009, twenty-four large corporations from seven countries actively worked on a consortium bank project – particularly efficient… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | Despite a decrease of the profitability of some firms (especially industrial firms), French SMEs have maintained a relatively high investment rate over the last fifteen years… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | This article is motivated by the strong increase of the bonds offerings of small and medium (SME) German firms observed between 2008 and 2012. These bonds are in particular… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | The debt capital of real economy enterprises in Germany is provided to a large extent by the banking system via credits, in particular to SMEs. This predominance of the bank-based… |
30/06/2014 |
Article | Since the late sixties the European Investment Bank (EIB) has been involved in financing SMEs in Europe, through bank intermediation. This policy has been extensively deployed… |