Article XDate | Type | Description |
24/06/2024 |
Article | The recent boom in cryptoassets has targeted the professional sports industry in recent years, notably the NBA, Formula 1 and soccer, both in North America and Europe. Various… |
01/02/2024 |
Article | The demographic revolution is underway. While we can applaud the fact that our fellow citizens are living longer, the fact that the population is growing older is not without… |
01/02/2024 |
Article | This article aims to draw lessons from economic analysis in order to assess the possibilities of covering the long-term care risk through insurance. It starts by noting the… |
01/02/2024 |
Article | The purpose of this study is to understand to what extent introducing compulsory autonomy insurance as an answer to the problem of the loss of autonomy of the elderly could help.… |
01/02/2024 |
Article | [...]Cet article etudie certaines des raisons qui pourraient expliquer la faiblesse du marche de l'assurance dependance au Quebec et en Ontario En utilisant des donnees d'enquete de 201[...] |
02/11/2023 |
Article | To the traditional division between public and private goods, the commons add a new dimension: that of resources, material or not, that we can share and that are vulnerable to… |
11/07/2023 |
Article | Business loans are an essential source of financing for small and medium-sized companies and very small businesses in France, and constitute the bulk of their resources. During… |
11/07/2023 |
Article | This article examines financing decisions in small businesses by looking at managerial behavior. The challenge is to understand decision-making in order to better help out… |
11/07/2023 |
Article | In Cameroon, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have a hard time gaining access to bank financing. This is due to the very high cost of credit. Relationship financing seems… |
11/07/2023 |
Article | [...]Nous proposons une reflexion sur la place de l'interconnexion dans l'evaluation du risque systemique Comme nous le montrent les crises financieres durant ces dernieres decennies la[...] |
11/07/2023 |
Article | This study aims to provide initial empirical answers to a question that has not yet been explored in the academic literature: the effectiveness of business transfer support… |
11/07/2023 |
Article | Bitcoin is based above all on the logic of contract and free individual participation, but it also encompasses a collective dimension that the institutionalist approach to money… |
11/07/2023 |
Article | [...]Nous proposons dans cet article une analyse des effets des politiques monetaires et prudentielles a l'aune de leurs effets sur l'acces au credit des PME en zone euro et plus partic[...] |
11/07/2023 |
Article | [...]Les PME contribuent largement a la valeur ajoutee et a l'emploi en France Si leurs dirigeants sont globalement conscients de la necessite de mettre en place une strategie climat am[...] |
28/03/2023 |
Article | This article presents an economic analysis of stablecoins, highlighting their ties with traditional finance. While there are stablecoins whose linkage is guaranteed by a trusted… |
28/03/2023 |
Article | Blockchain technology makes possible a new economy, which is called a “tokenized economy”, with digital assets of a new type. But the tokenized world still lacks maturity in its… |
28/03/2023 |
Article | [...]Alors que le secteur dit des cryptos s'est vendu comme une alternative aux failles de notre systeme bancaire financier et monetaire nous constatons qu'apres plus de quatorze ans d'[...] |
28/03/2023 |
Article | Despite the experimental nature of the blockchain from which stablecoins are issued, the business of asset-based stablecoin issuers, such as Tether (USDT), Circle (USDC), and… |
28/03/2023 |
Article | This article examens the features of algorithmic stablecoins by differentiating those like Terra-Luna, whose reference asset has an endogenous value, from those for which the… |
24/01/2023 |
Article | The Brexit referendum has fundamentally changed the relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union, also within the banking sector. With the United Kingdom… |