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 Société Générale: A Digital Transition Story

Françoise MERCADAL-DELASALLES Directrice des ressources et de l’innovation, Société Générale. Contact :

All the businesses and establishments of Group Société Générale have understood the "revolution" in behaviors and practices in the era of new technologies. A profound change, which strengthens relationships thanks to the mix of human and digital, is a real opportunity to become the reference relationship bank for all its stakeholders.

Leveraging on the digital and multitude era to carry out this transformation, Société Générale is releasing the collective intelligence of its staff, providing them with the right tools today, offering new spaces tomorrow, allowing them to open up to the ecosystem of digital creativity in order to innovate and be the actors in this digital transformation, which is well underway. Digital transition is an ongoing process product innovation becomes open and shared, innovation of client experience and disruption. Société Générale has chosen to understand, to accept these new challenges and to change deeply.