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 European Investment Bank: a Traditional Partner of the Mediterranean Southern Shore

Ambroise FAYOLLE * Vice-président, Banque européenne d'investissement (BEI).Contacts : ;

The South of Mediterranean region is one of the top priorities for Europe. As such, the European Investment Bank (EIB) is a major financial partner, notably since the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Investment Facility (FEMIP) in 2003. This represents nearly € 25 billion who were committed to support the development of the countries on the South, with a capacity to adapt to the needs. Initially focused on major public infrastructure projects, the EIB's activity gradually focused on supporting employment and the private sector, microfinance, with a priority to climate change and always a catalysing objective (public or private) to increase the leverage effect. The EIB always works in partnerships. However, the European approach is fragmented limiting the impact of European funding. This is the sense of the ongoing debate - EIB is contributing - to improve the European aid scheme beyond its borders.