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Les Matinales de l'EIFR avec Dr Wolf KLINZ "European Regulatory Challenges Ahead: Credit Rating Agencies & other priorities from the EU Parliament perspective"

Jeudi 12 avril 2012 de 8h30 à 10h

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Speaker: Dr Wolf KLINZ, Member of European Parliament, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Chairman of Special Committee on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis (2009-2011), European Parliament

Europe is challenged! What are the keys to answering the crisis ? How is the European Parliament impulsing  the right answers and priorities?  What are they?

Are Credit Rating Agencies issues part of those priorities? There are many issues to be discussed :  the need for increased competition in the sector, the creation of an EU Agency, means to reduce over-reliance on external credit ratings, eliminating conflicts of interest,  introducing a civil liability regime for CRA.

Dr. Wolf KLINZ, will comment on the current European Commission’s proposal for a review of the Credit Rating Agencies Regulation and the proposals of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.

Contribution: 50 euros

Contact : Audrey PARODIN au 01 49 27 13 78, ou