Mrs Virginie SAADE
Virginie Saade is Director of Government and Regulatory Policy for Citadel in Europe. She is responsible for engaging with policymakers and regulators across Europe on legislative and regulatory initiatives that are significant to the financial services industry.
Prior to joining Citadel, Ms. Saade was Head of European Regulatory Affairs and Strategy for KCG Europe. She originally joined Getco Execution Services (now part of KCG) as Head of Sales before taking on the management of Getco Execution Services. Prior to that, Ms. Saade held a number of senior roles at NYSE Euronext, including Head of NYSE Arca Europe.
Ms. Saade is a member of the ESMA Secondary Markets Standing Committee Consultative Working Group.
Ms. Saade received a bachelor’s degree in Politics and a Master’s Degree in Media and Communication Management from Toulouse University in France. She also received an MBA from the Montpellier Graduate Institute of Business in France.
Il enseigne le droit de la réglementation et de la responsabilité des conseils en gestion de patrimoine à l’Université de PARIS II Assas et intervient régulièrement dans des manifestations et conférences en droit bancaire et financier
Il est vice-Président de la Compagnie des Conseils et Experts Financiers (CCEF).
Auteur de « La responsabilité des conseils en gestion de patrimoine », Litec, Lexisnexis 2006, co-auteur du Memento Procédure Civile 2017-2018 (éditions Francis Lefevre) ainsi que de nombreuses publications en droit bancaire et financier, en droit international et en droit de la gestion de patrimoine.