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date source title
Wednesday 07 July 2010 AMF AMF newsletter - Regulation and Listed Corporates Newsletter
Monday 05 July 2010 EP ECON extraordinary meeting in Strasbourg on economic governance
Friday 02 July 2010 CESR CESR - Guidelines on KID
Tuesday 15 June 2010 CEBS CEBS's Advice on the EU Framework for Cross-Border Crisis Management in the Banking Sector
Friday 11 June 2010 FMI IMF discusses framework for enhanced coordination of cross-border bank resolution
Tuesday 08 June 2010 CESR CESR publishes responses to three consultations on the MiFID review
Tuesday 08 June 2010 OICV Hans Hoogervorst appointed Chairman of IOSCO's Technical Committee
Tuesday 08 June 2010 AMF AMF (France) and AMF (Québec) further facilitate mobility of investment and securities industry professionals
Friday 04 June 2010 FAQ regarding the EU regulation on Credit Rating Agencies: Common positions agreed by CESR Members
Friday 04 June 2010 CESR Guidelines - Implementation of the Central Repository (CEREP)
Thursday 27 May 2010 AMF Nomination à la Direction des prestataires de la gestion et de l'épargne de l'Autorité des marchés financiers
Thursday 27 May 2010 Commission Européenne Bank resolution funds : The Commission's proposals
Wednesday 26 May 2010 EDHEC RISKS Edhec Risks - Feature publication "On the Suitability of the Calibration of Private Equity Risk in the Solvency II" Standard Formula
Wednesday 26 May 2010 CESR Letter to the Commission - The Technical Details of the Pan-European Short Selling Disclosure Regime
Thursday 20 May 2010 CESR CESR sets out harmonised definition of European money market fund
Tuesday 18 May 2010 PE Hedge funds: MEPs call for less speculation and more transparency
Tuesday 18 May 2010 AMF Newsletter AMF - Regulation & Listed Corporate
Monday 17 May 2010 CESR CESR - Consultation on Credit Agencies Issues linked to their supervision and the settlement of common methodological standards
Thursday 13 May 2010 OICV IOSCO - Regulatory Implementation of the Statement of Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit Rating Agencies
Wednesday 12 May 2010 BIS BIS - Considerations for trade repositories in OTC derivatives markets - consultative report
Wednesday 12 May 2010 IOSCO IOSCO and CPSS consult on policy guidance for central counterparties and trade repositories in the OTC derivatives market
Tuesday 11 May 2010 CESR CESR to take a coordinated effort to respond to the recent market turmoil
Tuesday 04 May 2010 AMF Audition de Jean-Pierre Jouyet, Président de l'Autorité des marchés financiers par la Commission des Affaires européennes
Friday 30 April 2010 AMF/ACP Création du pôle commun entre l'Autorité des marchés financiers et l'Autorité de contrôle prudentiel
Thursday 29 April 2010 PE Regulatory Observatory - OTC market regulation
Tuesday 27 April 2010 CEBS CEBS today publishes its Principles for disclosures in times of stress
Wednesday 21 April 2010 EDHEC "Are Hedge-Fund UCITS the Cure-All?" - Samuel SENDER (Edhec Risk Institute) Thesis
Wednesday 21 April 2010 AFIC Speech - Jean Pierre JOUYET, Chairman, AMF, on Private Equity
Tuesday 20 April 2010 MINEFE Prada's report on regulating CO2 quotas exchanges
Monday 19 April 2010 BCE ECB report on the lessons learned from the financial crisis with regard to the functioning of european financial market infrastructures