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date source title
Thursday 09 September 2010 AMF Speech delivered by Jean-Pierre Jouyet Chairman of the AMF in Washington DC - A European view of financial market regulation
Wednesday 08 September 2010 BIS BIS, ECB, IMF publish Second Part of Handbook on Securities Statistics
Tuesday 07 September 2010 CE ECOFIN sets out the European financial supervisory framework
Monday 06 September 2010 BRI Financial system and macroeconomic resilience: revisited
Monday 06 September 2010 CESR Feedback statement - CESR Technical Advice to the European Commission in the context of the MiFID Review Investor Protection and Intermediaries
Friday 03 September 2010 BRI Nout Wellink: Fundamentally strengthening the regulatory framework for banks
Wednesday 01 September 2010 BCE Jean-Claude Trichet: Central banking in uncertain times - conviction and responsibility
Wednesday 01 September 2010 BRI Thomas C Baxter, Jr: Too big to fail expectations and impact of extraordinary government intervention and the role of systemic risk in the financial crisis
Friday 27 August 2010 MAS Monetary Authority of Singapore - TENETS OF EFFECTIVE REGULATION
Tuesday 10 August 2010 AMF Accord de coopération entre régulateurs européens portant sur la coordination de la régulation du groupe Euronext
Thursday 22 July 2010 BIS BIS Paper publication : The international financial crisis and policy challenges in Asia and the Pacific
Thursday 22 July 2010 AMF AMF - Publication de la revue mensuelle
Wednesday 21 July 2010 AMF AMF - Financial Regulation Newsletter
Tuesday 20 July 2010 CESR CESR - Publication of several consultations papers on KID
Monday 19 July 2010 CESR CESR launches two consultations on OTC derivatives, and announces a public hearing on 11 August
Monday 19 July 2010 CEBS CEBS statement on the time of publication of the results of the EU-wide stress testing exercise
Monday 19 July 2010 Consilium Belgian EU Presidency publishes compromise proposal on ESRB
Friday 16 July 2010 AMF Cahiers scientifiques : publication de deux études sur la structure des marchés d'actions
Friday 16 July 2010 Newsmanager Carlos Tavares replaces Eddy Wymeersch as chair of Cesr
Tuesday 13 July 2010 Conseil Européen ECOFIN : The Council sets out its position with a view to continuing negotiations with the Parliament
Thursday 08 July 2010 AMF L'Autorité des marchés financiers publie un guide de bonnes pratiques pour la rédaction des documents commerciaux des titres de créances complexes
Thursday 08 July 2010 CESR CESR's comment letter on EFRAG's draft response on the IASB's Exposure Draft Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting: The Reporting Entity
Thursday 08 July 2010 CEIOPS CEIOPS - Report on the preparedness of supervisors to implement Solvency II
Wednesday 07 July 2010 AMF AMF newsletter - Regulation and Listed Corporates Newsletter
Monday 05 July 2010 EP ECON extraordinary meeting in Strasbourg on economic governance
Friday 02 July 2010 CESR CESR - Guidelines on KID
Tuesday 15 June 2010 CEBS CEBS's Advice on the EU Framework for Cross-Border Crisis Management in the Banking Sector
Friday 11 June 2010 FMI IMF discusses framework for enhanced coordination of cross-border bank resolution
Tuesday 08 June 2010 CESR CESR publishes responses to three consultations on the MiFID review
Tuesday 08 June 2010 OICV Hans Hoogervorst appointed Chairman of IOSCO's Technical Committee